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You are viewing Cheat Codes for NHL 2K

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Game Name : NHL 2K
System : Dreamcast
Date Added : 2002-06-18 00:44:26
Views : 26883

Cheat :
Big head mode:
Hold L + R and press B(2), X on controller D at the "Black Box" logo. The phrase "Oh Black Box Baby" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. All the players except for the goalies will have big heads.

Programmer team:
Hold L + R and press B, A, B, Y on controller D at the "Black Box" logo. The phrase "Oh Black Box Baby" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.

Programmer pictures:
Create a player and enter one of the following development team names to see his picture in the "Edit Lines" menu.

Ron Hextall
Tony Twist
Dale Hunter
Marty Reasoner
Matt Johnson
Chris Mason
Paul Healey
Rory Fitzpatrick
John Namestnickov
Brent Peterson
Eric Bertrand
Peter White picture:
Create a player and enter Peter White as a name and 15 as a jersey number.

Bobby Hull picture:
Create a player and enter Bobby Hull as a name. When you score or get an assist, a picture of Bobby Hull will appear.

Chris Allen picture:
Create a player and enter Chris Allen as a name.

David Aebischer picture:
Create a player and enter David Aebischer as a name.

Unknown picture:
Create a player and enter J Z Black as a name. Note: There is a space between "J" and "Z".

Other players:
Create a player and enter any person that retired during the 1998-1999 season to see his picture at the "Edit Lines" menu.

Wayne Gretzkey message:
Create a player and enter Wayne Gretzkey as a name. The message "Thanks For The Memories" will appear over the player picture section.

Hint :
Hint: Empty net:
Pause game play, then scroll down to choose sides. Switch your controller to the opposing team. Once you have done this, go back to the main pause menu, and choose to pull the goalie. Then, return back to choose sides and change back to your original team. You will now have an empty net to shoot at. If you do score, the goalie will be repositioned in the net. This trick may be repeated as needed.

Hint: Easy goal:
Go behind the goal, then cut around to the front and shoot.

Hint: Play after game ends:
After the game ends, the scoring summary, menus, etc. should be on the screen. However, the rink and players will be in the background. Press the button to change players to move that one around. You can get the puck, check people, etc. Note: When you move fast with the puck, it shoots around by itself. Also, If a goalie gets the puck, you cannot get it back. You can select any player from your team other than the goalie.

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